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University of Benin Course Registration Guide. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the UNIBEN Portal, from its various functions to troubleshooting common issues. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of possibilities that the UNIBEN Portal offers.

Are you a student or a prospective student of the University of Benin (UNIBEN)? If so, you’re probably aware of the importance of the UNIBEN Portal in your academic journey.

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How to Access UNIBEN Portal

Accessing the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is essential for students, faculty, and staff to perform various academic and administrative tasks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Ensure You Have the Required Credentials

Before you can access the UNIBEN Portal, you need to have the following credentials:

  • Matriculation Number: This unique identification number is provided to you by the university during your admission.
  • Password: You’ll have a password associated with your matriculation number. If you haven’t set one yet or have forgotten it, you can usually reset it through the portal.

Step 2: Open Your Web Browser

Launch your preferred web browser on your computer or mobile device. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.

Step 3: Visit the UNIBEN Portal Website

In your web browser’s address bar, type in the URL for the UNIBEN Portal website. The URL may be provided by the university or can typically be found on the official UNIBEN website. It often looks like this:

Step 4: Access the Login Page

Once you enter the UNIBEN Portal website, you should see a login page. This page will prompt you to enter your matriculation number and password.

Step 5: Enter Your Credentials

Fill in your matriculation number and password accurately in the designated fields on the login page.

Step 6: Click the “Login” Button

After entering your credentials, click the “Login” button. This will initiate the login process.

Step 7: Navigate the Portal

Upon successful login, you will be granted access to the UNIBEN Portal’s dashboard. Here, you can see various options and services available to you, including course registration, exam results, fee payments, and more.

Step 8: Logout Securely

Remember to log out of your UNIBEN Portal account when you’re done to ensure the security of your personal information. You can usually find the logout option in the portal’s menu.

Please note that the UNIBEN Portal may undergo updates or changes, so it’s always a good practice to refer to the official university website or contact the university’s IT support if you encounter any difficulties during the login process or if you have specific questions about accessing the portal. Additionally, ensure that you keep your login credentials secure and do not share them with others to protect your account’s privacy and security.

How to check the Dashboard in UNIBEN Portal

Checking the dashboard in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is essential for accessing various services and information related to your academic journey. Here’s how you can check the dashboard once you’ve successfully logged into the portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Before you can access the dashboard, you need to log in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. Follow the steps in the previous response on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal” to log in successfully.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard

Once you’re logged in, you will be directed to the portal’s homepage or dashboard automatically. However, if you’re not on the dashboard page, look for a menu or tab that says something like “Dashboard,” “Home,” or “Student Portal.” The wording may vary depending on the portal’s design.

Step 3: Explore the Dashboard

The dashboard is the central hub where you can access a wide range of services and information. Here’s what you might find on the dashboard:

  • Personal Information: You may see your name, matriculation number, and contact details displayed.
  • Course Registration: This section allows you to enroll in courses, add or drop courses, and check your course schedule.
  • Exam and Results: Access your exam timetables and view your results in this section.
  • Fee Payments: Check your payment history and make tuition fee payments securely online.
  • Hostel Allocation: If applicable, you can check your hostel allocation status or apply for hostel accommodation.
  • Transcript Requests: Access the feature to order academic transcripts and track their status.
  • Library Resources: Explore digital library resources and borrow books online.
  • Student Services: Find information and access support services such as counseling and health services.
  • Student Profile Updates: Update your personal information or change your password for security purposes.
  • Important Announcements: Look out for important notices, announcements, or updates from the university.

Step 4: Use the Dashboard Features

Click on the specific service or feature you want to access from the dashboard. Each section will have its own set of options and links that you can explore. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform various tasks.

Step 5: Log Out Securely

When you’re done using the UNIBEN Portal, it’s crucial to log out securely to protect your account’s privacy and security. Look for the logout option, typically located in the menu or at the top-right corner of the portal.

Remember that the layout and design of the UNIBEN Portal may vary, and the availability of certain services or information may depend on your role (student, faculty, staff) and the current semester or academic session. If you have any specific questions or encounter difficulties while navigating the portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to the university’s IT support or the portal’s help center for assistance.

How to check admission status in UNIBEN Portal

Checking your admission status in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is a crucial step in confirming your acceptance to the university. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your admission status:

Step 1: Open Your Web Browser

Start by launching your web browser on your computer or mobile device. Ensure you have a stable internet connection.

Step 2: Visit the UNIBEN Portal Website

In the address bar of your web browser, type in the URL for the UNIBEN Portal website. The URL for checking admission status may be provided by the university or can often be found on the official UNIBEN website. It may look something like this:

Step 3: Access the Admission Status Page

Once you’ve entered the UNIBEN Portal website, look for the “Admission” or “Admission Status” link. This link is usually located prominently on the portal’s homepage. Click on it to proceed.

Step 4: Provide the Required Information

You will be prompted to enter certain information to check your admission status. Typically, you’ll need to enter:

  • Your JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board) Registration Number: This is the unique registration number you received when you registered for the JAMB exam.
  • Your Matriculation Number (if applicable): If you are a returning student or have been assigned a matriculation number, you may need to provide it.

Step 5: Check Your Admission Status

After entering the required information, click the “Check Admission Status” or similar button. The portal will process your request, and if you have been offered admission, your admission status will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: Confirm Your Admission

If you see a message indicating that you have been offered admission, congratulations! You can proceed to confirm your admission by following the instructions provided. This may involve accepting the offer, paying acceptance fees, and completing other admission-related tasks.

Step 7: Print Your Admission Letter

Once you have confirmed your admission, you may have the option to print your admission letter. This letter is an official document that confirms your acceptance to UNIBEN and may be required for various purposes.

Step 8: Log Out Securely

After checking your admission status and confirming your admission, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please keep in mind that the specific steps and requirements for checking admission status in the UNIBEN Portal may vary depending on the university’s policies and procedures. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the admission process, it’s advisable to contact the UNIBEN admission office or the university’s IT support for assistance.

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How to register for course in UNIBEN Portal

Registering for courses in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is an important task for students, as it allows you to enroll in the specific courses you’ll be taking in a given semester. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register for courses in the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Before you can register for courses, you need to log in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. Follow the steps in the earlier response on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal” if you’re not already logged in.

Step 2: Access the Course Registration Section

Once you’re logged in, look for the “Course Registration” or a similar option on the portal’s dashboard. This option is typically found in a section related to academics or student services.

Step 3: Choose Your Courses

In the course registration section, you’ll be presented with options to select the courses you want to register for. Follow these steps:

  • Select the Semester: Choose the semester for which you want to register. This could be the current semester or the upcoming one, depending on the registration schedule.
  • Browse or Search for Courses: The portal may provide a list of available courses for the selected semester. You can browse through this list or use a search function to find specific courses.
  • Add Courses to Your Cart: When you find a course you want to register for, click on it to add it to your course registration cart. Repeat this step for each course you wish to register for.

Step 4: Review Your Course Selection

After adding courses to your cart, review your selection to ensure you’ve chosen the correct courses for the semester.

Step 5: Complete the Registration

Once you’re satisfied with your course selection, click a button or link that says something like “Complete Registration,” “Submit,” or “Finish.” The portal will process your registration.

Step 6: Verify Your Registration

After you complete the registration process, the portal should display a confirmation message indicating that your course registration was successful. It’s essential to review this confirmation carefully to ensure all your courses are listed correctly.

Step 7: Print Your Course Registration Form

You may have the option to print your course registration form for your records. This document can be useful for reference and may be required for administrative purposes.

Step 8: Log Out Securely

After registering for courses, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please note that the specific steps and the registration process may vary depending on UNIBEN’s policies and procedures, as well as the current semester or academic session. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the portal and to meet registration deadlines to ensure your course registration is successful. If you encounter any difficulties during the course registration process or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the university’s academic advising or student services office for assistance.

How to check result in UNIBEN Portal

Checking your results in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is a vital part of tracking your academic progress. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your results in the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Start by logging in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. If you’re not already logged in, follow the steps mentioned earlier on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal.”

Step 2: Navigate to the “Exam and Results” Section

Once you’ve logged in, look for the “Exam and Results” or a similar option on the portal’s dashboard. This option is typically found within a section related to academics or student services.

Step 3: Select the Academic Session and Semester

In the “Exam and Results” section, you’ll need to specify the academic session (e.g., 2022/2023) and the semester (e.g., First Semester) for which you want to check your results. Make the appropriate selections from the dropdown menus provided.

Step 4: Choose the Type of Result

You may have the option to choose the type of result you want to view. This could include results for courses, semester examinations, or other assessments. Select the appropriate result type.

Step 5: View Your Results

After selecting the academic session, semester, and result type, click a button or link that says something like “View Results,” “Check Results,” or “Get Results.” The portal will process your request and display your results on the screen.

Step 6: Review Your Results

Your results will be displayed, typically in a tabular format. Take your time to review your scores for each course or assessment. You may see columns for course codes, course titles, credit hours, grades, and cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Step 7: Print Your Results (Optional)

If you wish to keep a hard copy of your results for your records or for any administrative purposes, you can usually print the results page directly from your web browser.

Step 8: Log Out Securely

Once you’ve checked your results and are done using the UNIBEN Portal, be sure to log out securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please note that the specific steps and result-checking process may vary depending on UNIBEN’s policies and procedures. Additionally, results are typically made available after examinations have been conducted and results have been processed by the university. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the portal and to check result release dates to ensure you can access your results promptly. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the result-checking process, don’t hesitate to contact the university’s academic office or relevant department for assistance.

How to pay fees in UNIBEN Portal

Paying fees in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is a crucial step in managing your financial obligations as a student. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pay fees through the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Start by logging in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. If you’re not already logged in, follow the steps mentioned earlier on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal.”

Step 2: Access the “Fee Payments” Section

Once you’ve logged in, look for the “Fee Payments” or a similar option on the portal’s dashboard. This option is usually found within a section related to finances or student services.

Step 3: Select the Type of Fee

In the “Fee Payments” section, you’ll typically find various types of fees you can pay, such as tuition fees, registration fees, accommodation fees, or other charges. Select the specific type of fee you need to pay.

Step 4: Enter Payment Details

Depending on the type of fee you’re paying, you’ll be required to enter relevant payment details. This may include the following:

  • Fee Amount: Enter the amount you need to pay. Make sure it matches the fee amount specified by the university.
  • Payment Reference Number: Some fees may require you to enter a reference number or code provided by the university. This helps ensure that your payment is correctly attributed to your account.

Step 5: Choose Payment Method

UNIBEN may offer various payment methods, including online payment, bank payment, or other options. Select the payment method you prefer or one that is specified for the type of fee you’re paying.

Step 6: Confirm Payment

Review the payment details you’ve entered to ensure accuracy. Once you’re satisfied that all information is correct, click a button or link that says something like “Confirm Payment,” “Proceed to Payment,” or “Pay Now.”

Step 7: Make the Payment

Follow the instructions provided for the selected payment method to complete the payment. This may involve entering your payment card details, selecting your bank for bank payment, or following other specified steps.

Step 8: Receive Payment Confirmation

After successfully making the payment, you should receive a payment confirmation message or receipt. This confirmation serves as proof of payment.

Step 9: Print the Payment Receipt (Optional)

If you wish to keep a hard copy of the payment receipt for your records, you can usually print the receipt directly from your web browser.

Step 10: Log Out Securely

Once you’ve completed the payment, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please note that the specific steps and payment process may vary depending on UNIBEN’s policies and procedures, as well as the type of fee you are paying. It’s crucial to follow the instructions provided on the portal and to meet payment deadlines to ensure your payment is processed successfully. If you encounter any difficulties during the payment process or have questions about fee payments, don’t hesitate to contact the university’s finance office or the relevant department for assistance.

How to register for online exams in UNIBEN Portal

Registering for online exams in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is essential for students who are required to take exams through an online platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register for online exams in the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Start by logging in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. If you’re not already logged in, follow the steps mentioned earlier on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal.”

Step 2: Access the “Online Exams” or “Exam Registration” Section

Once you’ve logged in, look for the “Online Exams,” “Exam Registration,” or a similar option on the portal’s dashboard. This option is typically found within a section related to academics or examinations.

Step 3: Select the Exam Session

In the “Online Exams” or “Exam Registration” section, you may be required to select the exam session or semester for which you want to register. Choose the appropriate session or semester.

Step 4: View the List of Scheduled Exams

You will likely see a list of scheduled exams for the selected session or semester. The list may include course codes, course titles, exam dates, and other relevant information.

Step 5: Choose the Exams You Want to Register For

From the list of scheduled exams, select the specific exams you want to register for. Click on the checkboxes next to the exams you plan to take.

Step 6: Confirm Your Exam Selection

After choosing your exams, there may be a confirmation step where you can review your selected exams. Ensure that the exams you’ve chosen are correct before proceeding.

Step 7: Complete the Exam Registration

Click a button or link that says something like “Complete Registration,” “Submit,” or “Finish” to finalize your exam registration. The portal will process your registration.

Step 8: Verify Your Exam Registration

After completing the registration, the portal should display a confirmation message indicating that your exam registration was successful. Review this confirmation carefully to ensure that you are registered for the correct exams.

Step 9: Print Your Exam Registration Confirmation (Optional)

If you wish to keep a record of your exam registration, you may have the option to print the confirmation page directly from your web browser.

Step 10: Log Out Securely

After registering for online exams, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please note that the specific steps and exam registration process may vary depending on UNIBEN’s policies and procedures, as well as the current semester or academic session. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the portal and to meet exam registration deadlines to ensure your registration is successful. If you encounter any difficulties during the exam registration process or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the university’s exam office or the relevant department for assistance.

How to Access Library in UNIBEN Portal

Accessing the library resources in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is essential for students and researchers looking to utilize the university’s extensive collection of academic materials. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access the library in the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Log In to the UNIBEN Portal

Begin by logging in to the UNIBEN Portal using your matriculation number and password. If you’re not already logged in, follow the steps mentioned earlier on “How to Access UNIBEN Portal.”

Step 2: Access the “Library” or “Library Resources” Section

Once you’re logged in, look for the “Library” or “Library Resources” option on the portal’s dashboard. This option is typically located within a section related to academics, student services, or research.

Step 3: Navigate to the Online Library Resources

Within the “Library” or “Library Resources” section, you will likely find links or options to access online library resources. These resources may include digital books, academic journals, research databases, and more.

Step 4: Browse the Library Catalog

You may have the option to browse the library’s catalog to search for specific books, journals, or other materials. Use the search bar or navigation tools provided to explore the catalog.

Step 5: Search for Specific Resources

If you have a specific book or resource in mind, use the search functionality within the library catalog. Enter keywords, titles, authors, or other relevant information to find the resources you need.

Step 6: Access and Download Materials

Once you’ve located the materials you want to access, click on the respective links or options to view or download them. Many digital resources may be available for online reading or downloading for offline use.

Step 7: Explore Additional Library Services

In addition to accessing digital materials, the library section in the UNIBEN Portal may offer other services, such as interlibrary loans, research support, and citation tools. Explore these services as needed.

Step 8: Log Out Securely

After utilizing the library resources, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please note that the specific steps and access to library resources may vary depending on UNIBEN’s policies and the library’s digital infrastructure. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the portal and make use of the library’s online resources to enhance your academic research and studies. If you have any difficulties accessing the library or need assistance with research-related queries, don’t hesitate to reach out to the university’s library staff or research support services for guidance.

How to check admission status in UNIBEN Portal

Checking your admission status in the UNIBEN (University of Benin) Portal is a critical step to confirm your acceptance to the university. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your admission status through the UNIBEN Portal:

Step 1: Open Your Web Browser

Start by launching your preferred web browser on your computer or mobile device. Ensure you have a stable internet connection.

Step 2: Visit the UNIBEN Portal Website

In the address bar of your web browser, type in the URL for the UNIBEN Portal website. The URL for checking admission status may be provided by the university or can typically be found on the official UNIBEN website. It often looks like this:

Step 3: Access the Admission Status Page

Once you enter the UNIBEN Portal website, look for a link or option that says “Admission Status” or something similar. This link is usually located prominently on the portal’s homepage. Click on it to proceed.

Step 4: Provide the Required Information

You will be prompted to enter certain information to check your admission status. Typically, you’ll need to enter:

  • Your JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board) Registration Number: This is the unique registration number you received when you registered for the JAMB exam.
  • Your Matriculation Number (if applicable): If you are a returning student or have been assigned a matriculation number, you may need to provide it.

Step 5: Check Your Admission Status

After entering the required information, click the “Check Admission Status” or similar button. The portal will process your request, and if you have been offered admission, your admission status will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: Confirm Your Admission

If you see a message indicating that you have been offered admission, congratulations! You can proceed to confirm your admission by following the instructions provided. This may involve accepting the offer, paying acceptance fees, and completing other admission-related tasks.

Step 7: Print Your Admission Letter

Once you have confirmed your admission, you may have the option to print your admission letter. This letter is an official document that confirms your acceptance to UNIBEN and may be required for various purposes.

Step 8: Log Out Securely

After checking your admission status and confirming your admission, be sure to log out of the UNIBEN Portal securely to protect your account’s privacy and security.

Please keep in mind that the specific steps and requirements for checking admission status in the UNIBEN Portal may vary depending on the university’s policies and procedures. Admission status is typically made available after the university has processed admission offers. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the admission process, it’s advisable to contact the UNIBEN admission office or the university’s IT support for assistance.



The UNIBEN Portal is your key to a smoother and more efficient academic experience at the University of Benin. From course registration to accessing essential resources, it offers a comprehensive array of services designed to make your life as a student easier. Embrace the convenience, stay updated, and make the most of your time at UNIBEN with the power of the UNIBEN Portal.


  1. Is the UNIBEN Portal available 24/7?
    • Yes, the portal is accessible 24/7, allowing you to use its services at your convenience.
  2. How do I recover my password if I forget it?
    • Click on the “Forgot Password” option on the login page and follow the prompts to reset your password.
  3. Can I access the UNIBEN Portal on my mobile device?
    • Absolutely! There’s a mobile app available for convenient access on smartphones and tablets.
  4. What should I do if I encounter technical issues with the portal?
    • Refer to the troubleshooting section in this guide for solutions to common issues. If the problem persists, contact the university’s IT support.
  5. Is it mandatory to use the UNIBEN Portal for course registration and other services?
    • Yes, the portal is the primary platform for various academic and administrative tasks, and it is mandatory for all students to use it for these purposes.

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