Sustainable Student Farm Summer Internship 2025
The farm internship gives students hands-on work experience at the farm and aims to teach our interns about the essential parts of vegetable production while thinking about sustainable farming at large.
This internship will expand your horticultural skills and knowledge, developing applied skills in design, marketing, food handling, infrastructural maintenance and land stewardship.
The interns will spend their mornings Monday through Thursday working on the farm, planting, weeding, trellising, irrigating, maintaining, harvesting and washing the crops growing at the SSF. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons will be spent prepping and implementing the farm stand and CSA.
Activities During the Internship
- Monday to Thursday: Work on Farms
- Friday: Lectures, Discussions, and Farm Tours
Summary of the SSF Summer Internship 2025
- Type: Internship
- Country of study: USA
- School of study: University of Illinois Urbana, Champaign
- Duration: 13 Weeks
- Interns will receive: 15 USD/hr
- Deadline: Not Specified
Features of the SSF Summer Internship 2025
- Lectures/Discussions:
- Farm design
- Various aspects of vegetable production
- Soil and farm ecosystem health
- Social issues surrounding food
- Experiential Learning:
- Farm tours
- Volunteering at other farms and community gardens
- Managerial Roles (Rotation):
- Farm stand management
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) management
- Record keeping
- Outreach
- Individual Project:
- Planning, planting, and managing personal vegetable beds
- Harvesting and record keeping for individual beds.
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