Uniport Admission List for 2024/2025 is Out

Uniport Admission List for 2024/2025 is out. Uniport Admission List for 2024/2025 is currently out. THe University Of Porthacourt, RIvers State (Uniport ) had just announced the release of the 2022/2023 academic session admission list for all candidates. Be patient enough to read the article through for a better knowledge regarding how to check names in the admission list.

This article, therefore, is to help students on how to check their admission list and also to guide them on what to do if they have not seen their names on the admission list.

Uniport Admission Portal

The portal for the University of Porhacourt Rivers State (Uniport ) has been revealed in this article, which can be found below. Candidates are advised to check the portal carefully

It has come to our notice that some greedy people are setting up portals online claiming it to be the portal for UNIPORT admission list and demanding money from candidates in exchange for admission into the University of Portharcout, RIvers  State.

It has therefore become paramount that we let the candidates know the correct and real portal of the University of Portharcout, Portharcout to avoid being scammed.

Also, please note that UNIPORT as a manager will never demand money from any candidate in exchange for admission. Admission into UNIPORT is strictly on merit.

How to Browse UNIPORT Admission List

  • Visit jamb.org.ng/efacility.
  • To access the list, log in to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
  • Scroll down the home page and click on Check Admission Status.
  • Select your Exam year and Enter your JAMB registration number in the required field.
  • Finally, to access your admission status, click on ‘Check Admission Status
  • You will either see Congratulations! or Not Admitted, or admission in progress check back later.


The UNiversity of Portharcourt, Portharcout (UNIPORT ) prospective students can also access their admission status on the JAMB admission status checking portal by following the procedure outlined below:

  1. Go to the JAMB admission portal at https://efacility.jamb.gov.ng/.
  2. Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
  3. Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
  4. Select your Exam year and enter your registration number in the required column.
  5. Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your University of Portharcourt, Porthacourt (UNIPORT ) admission status.

How to Check UNIPORT Admission List via JAMB Admission Portal

  • Go to the JAMB admission portal at https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility_/.
  • Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
  • Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
  • Select your Exam year and enter your registration number in the required column.
  • Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your UNIPORT admission status.

What to do after successfully checking your name.

Candidates successfully admitted into the University of Portharcout, Rivers State (UNIPORT ) degree programs are advised to:

  • Login to their JAMB Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) and ACCEPT or REJECT their admission.
  • Print their JAMB admission letter after accepting the admission.
  • Print their original JAMB result slip (this comes with passport photography affixed to it).
  • Apply for a change of course on the JAMB Portal in case they are offered courses different from the ones they initially applied for.
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